
3:40 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Yesterday I turned nineteen. Which is alright, but definitely not as exciting as it  used to be. At first I thought it was because of all the unwanted attention, but after a day of getting spoiled by my closest friends maybe that was just part of it. Maybe it's because I have four family members to celebrate with and that's it, some of the most important ones are far away. But above all I'm pretty sure the top issue here it's that I'm older.

"Oh, as if! You're only ninteen." Fine, sure! But, at thriteen I promissed myself I'd sell my first movie before I turned twenty and it hasn't happened yet. It's kind of scary to realize you haven't done much of what you set yourself to accomplish. And I also know my example isn't the most flagrant, but it's a pretty good one. Picture this: Ben Affleck is the youngest Academy Award winner for Best Screenplay at 25! And sure I could aim for Woody Allen's record of 16 nominations, but still I have six years to write and direct a killer movie so I can try and break two Academy Award records (there's also the chance for youngest director, PLUS I'm Girl so... How do you like them apples??)
Still, I don't think my life has been a total waste. I got pretty good grades, and in the entire year I lived as an eighteen year-old  I got my drivers lincense (in Europe you gatta be eighteen) and about a week ago, I voted for the first time. So, ladies and gentelmen, I am now an ADULT + 1.

Anyway, turning nineteen wasn't so bad, it was a fine and rememberable day! I got tons of presents from my parents and my friends (I GOT A BB-8 THAT ROLLS ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!), I met with a great friend I hadn't seen in forever, I had a burger for lunch, I texted with my cousin (trust me that's a miracle right there), I got fantastic birthday messages (the cutest picture ever is on my facebook feed right now!), I wasn't bored on the bus ride home for a change, but I don't think I listened to Wicked once yesterday which really brings down the day value... I did mention Glinda at some point so I guess my day is worth... around two billion stars give or take. Oh wait, no! I got two cakes!! So... let's make it at priceless range of value. 

Now, honestly I'm really glad for everyone and everything that helped me turn nineteen yesterday, seriously there's nothing harder than growing up!