
3:45 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Hello Munchkin (I call you this for one specific reason, I really, really love “The Wizard of Oz”). So, no I have not become a conventional blogger, if you follow me because of my videos worry not! That is still happening. The thing is, I’ve felt a very big urge to write lately but in my youtube videos, by internet law, you can’t post a video everyday without sounding extremely desperate. So, in this blog I humbely called “Wickedling" (because that’s a pretty accurate description of me), I’m just writing about whatever the fuck I want. And with that, everything I write shall be accompained by a photograph (taken by me). The one I chose for this specific post is a photo I took on my trip to Mallorca this summer and, if you’re not acquainted with the Spanish language, it translates to “C3PO uses the Force - idea company”. So, if that doesn’t make this the coolest company ever, I don’t know what does.